I recently posted about infographics- and those of you who have seen the About page may have noticed a rather basic infographic CV that I uploaded last week. The whole idea of an infographic and displaying data about ourselves is a topic that really interests me. I’m big on using online tools, and hopefully my quick effort at an infographic will be trounced once Vizualize.me is finally launched.
I graduated in the height of the recession and found it pretty difficult to get the sorts of role I was looking for within the marketing industry. It’s really important to make yourself stand out – and for the right reasons, and I think to some extent I was missing an opportunity. There has never been a better chance to build an online profile and reap the rewards – particularly bearing in mind the current approach from ‘cold call’ recruiters.Online tools like ‘Viz.me’ and LinkedIn are now really useful resources in order to make companies find you rather than you trying to find the company. Equally the growth of Facebook and other social platforms have bought with them increased access and communication potential with a brand.
With this in mind, I thought I would share a few good articles that can be used both from a musician point of view – why shouldn’t you use your band as a brand? But also from a general graduate/recruitment approach.
Get a Job Using Social Media – Mashable
Consumers More Receptive To Brands – BrandRepublic
Marketers Wouldn’t Attend University – Marketing Magazine
If you discover anything useful on the web then please get in touch