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5 of the Best #Usesforwhitespace

By April 23, 2012No Comments

With the Google + redesign, came a surprising amount of large white space which lacked content or use for many G+ users. The white space now has become a bit of a cult humour based topic for many geeks (myself included). It has it’s own trending hashtag and has been blogged about by many online sites.

Here I take a look at 5 of the funniest and creative #usesforwhitespace:

Sticky Notes #usesforwhitespace Google+

Cat #Usesforwhitespace Google+

Xray #usesforwhitespace Google+

Beer #usesforwhitespace Google+

Stick Men #usesforwhitespace Google+

Think you’ve seen a better one? Let me know either via the contact form or in the comments below.

Mike Jeffs

Author Mike Jeffs

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