Here we have a fairly funky infographic based on the massive growth of social media blog platform Tumblr. I’m a fan of both Tumblr and WordPress for social blogging, both sites for me offer something slightly different:
I find Tumblr to be very creative and extremely popular with photographers and designers. Although I’ve not really used it for articles yet I do follow some blogs who publish articles regularly. I guess it depends what theme you use and your search and share style. You’ll notice my tumblr is a little random and includes lots of images without any real structure.
WordPress for me is much more tailored to a journalistic magazine style approach. I find the platform easy for article based posts, although the CMS is perhaps not as user friendly as Tumblr. Again this depends on your theme and various add-ons and widgets.
The problem I have with Tumblr is that a lot of content is copied or reblogged. This may be the sites that I follow, but with WordPress sites I feel I gain a little more insight into topics but perhaps without the creative cool factor.
Anyway, here’s the infographic:
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