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The 30th of March sees all existing brand pages on Facebook updated to the new timeline format. Profiles were updated back in February.

What does this mean for page owners? Well, first and foremost it means a new exciting way to display your brand and also the history of your brand. Secondly, we will likely witness the end of the “like gateway”. With timeline, visitors will see what your company is actually doing, you have less control over promoting a specific campaign upon page arrival, unless you add it to the short cut buttons just below the cover photo. This means your activity and the content shared is of even greater relevance.

Here are 12 epic brand timelines that have already changed their pages to the new format:


Bilabong Facebook Brand Timeline

Coca Cola

Coca Cola Facebook Timeline


Nike Facebook Brand Timeline

Manchester United

Man Utd Facebook Brand Timeline


Fanta Facebook Brand Timeline


Facebook Brand Timeline

The Muppets

The Muppets Facebook Brand Timeline


Sharpie Facebook Brand Timeline

PG Tips

PG Tips Facebook Brand Timeline


VisitScotland Facebook Brand Timeline


Polaroid Facebook Brand Timeline

Total Film

Total Film Facebook Brand Timeline

You can read more about Facebook Timeline for brands in this post by Matthew Siegal and see other timeline examples on

Mike Jeffs

Author Mike Jeffs

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