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I’m sure you like I are looking for good ways or tools to liven up client reports and other work related documents. Having been a fairly avid user of, I had a little look around for other tools that may be available. is a great tool, almost a step up from wordle and has a few more options. For instance, you can enter a URL and the tool creates a word cloud based on the content of the site. Below is an image based upon


Word Cloud from

As well as being able to choose from a number of colour schemes, you can use a variety of different shapes. word shape from

There are a couple of other sites out there, but for me they’re nowhere near the mark:, and

Tagxedo has also had good reviews from TechCrunch and, let me know if you use it, or if you find any other useful online tools.

Mike Jeffs

Author Mike Jeffs

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